About Us

About Us

We are a team of experts in the field of AI, dedicated to building cutting-edge projects and conducting training to empower individuals and organizations to harness the power of AI. Our company specializes in computer vision projects, where we leverage the latest technologies and techniques to create innovative solutions for various industries.

Our goal is to make Machine Learning accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or experience. We believe that with the right approach and the right resources, anyone can learn to harness the power of AI to drive innovation and growth. Join us in our mission to make Machine Learning a must-have skill set for everyone.




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Our Courses will help you grow


Python is one of the most sought-after skills by employer and one of the most widely used language too.

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Data Analytics

With the rise in the amount and rate at which data is generated, Data Science has become more important than ever.

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Machine Learning

With the help of Machine Learning computers can perform tasks without being precisely programmed to do so.

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Computer Vision

Learn to give computers the ability to understand images and videos, by building projects.

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Deep Learning

Almost all state-of-the-art techniques in the field of computer vision and NLP uses deep learning.

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SQL is used everywhere to store the data and retrieve it. You will learn MySQL in this course.

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Business Intelligence Tool

Learn to take out insights from data and make decisions. PowerBI is one of the tools which you will learn in this course.

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We want to produce; Data Scientists who are equally good software developers, Data Scientists who are not afraid of coding, Data Scientists who are curious, and Data Scientists who believe learning is fun!


Flexible Timing

Our offices are open from 10 am to 7 pm every day, your mentor will always be present at the given timings in the office, feel free to come down any time you want and start learning.


Different people have different speed of learning and keeping up with other’s pace is always frustrating. With our training program, you can learn at your own pace. Finish the course at your own convenience, no need to worry about anyone else.

Hands-on Training

Gain knowledge by doing it rather than learning it in a boring classroom from a boring teacher. You will learn by implementing your knowledge on real-life projects. Industry seeks practical knowledge rather than just theory; we will provide you with applied knowledge.

1-to-1 Mentorship

Upon joining you’ll be assigned a mentor, an industry expert, who will be guiding/teaching you along with your entire training program. Feel free to treat them as your elder brother/sister. They are always present to help you.

Relevant skills

We teach you tools and technologies that are relevant. For example, git, GitHub, VSCode, MS excel, reading docs and research papers, GitHub Pages, Kaggle, portfolio website, etc. are all discussed in the course.


We don’t just teach you machine learning or data science. We teach you everything that goes into becoming a good data scientist. You will learn web scraping, regex, SQL, Flask, Rest APIs, deploying ML models, and much more


Workshops, Events and Meetups


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