So, why aiadventures?

Machine Learning is changing the world by transforming every walk of life. We at aiadventures work together toward making Machine Learning easier to learn and try to help people from different backgrounds to achieve their dreams. So, the obvious question, why aiadventures? what makes us unique?

Our relentless pursuit to provide a quality learning experience to everyone, associated with us, makes us different from others. There are 100s of small things that we do to make sure that all the people, who associate with us, have a wonderful experience. All these small things are based upon 2 fundamental principles, on which aiadventures is built:

  • Our Teaching Methodology
  • Customer Obsession

Let’s discuss them one-by-one, shall we?

Teaching Methodology

We are inspired by the work of Richard Feynman. He is one of the most famous physicists to live on this planet. Also, he is world-famous for his teaching/learning techniques. He believed that people learn the most, in two ways:

  1. By doing it
  2. By teaching it to others.

Both ways are self-explanatory. They look very easy but are very difficult to follow in practice. Our teaching methodology is completely based on these two ideas.

Programming is very similar to swimming. You can’t learn to swim by watching a YouTube video or by watching someone else swim. You will have to get into the water to learn. Similarly, you can not learn programming without writing code. At aiadventures, all our training programs are designed considering the swimming model. The practice of writing code is at the core of everything. Here is a list of things we do to remove the fear of coding:

  • Capstone projects, assignments & exercise questions are all meant to encourage learners to write code.
  • With the Top-Down approach, getting started becomes easier than you think. We believe, the best explanation of a technical thing is through an example; some code that one can run, debug, look at the intermediate inputs and outputs. Most of us learn much better when we have context. Why are you learning this? What’s an example of it being applied, what are some of the pros and cons of using this approach before you start talking about the details of how to put it all together.
  • We use code first approach for teaching. Every new concept or idea is first introduced in code and then theory follows along. Not the other way round!

Using these approaches of learning, was a complete game-changer for a lot of our learners. They had a wonderful experience. Learning became fun for them and they gained immense confidence in the subject. The hands-on practice you do with us will make all the difference out there in your world.

Another very important thing that we realized is “The field of AI is under rapid development”. Every year there are 1000s of new research papers, 100s of new libraries & frameworks, and 10s of new applications. To become a good Data Science or Machine Learning practitioner, it’s very important to keep yourself updated about all the recent advancements in the field. Here is a list of things we do to help our learners stay updated:

  • We teach tools and technologies that are relevant. For example git, GitHub, VSCode, MS excel, GitHub Pages, Kaggle, portfolio website, etc. are all discussed in the training program.
  • Another very important skill is the ability to read and understand research papers, technical blogs, and library documentation. All these are an integral part of the training program.
  • We don’t just teach machine learning and data science. We teach everything, the complete eco-system, that goes into becoming a good data scientist. Web scraping, regex, SQL, Flask, Rest APIs, deploying ML models, and much more are covered in the training program.
  • We conduct regular meetups & workshops to discuss the latest & greatest tech, tools, libraries, frameworks, research papers, etc. Learners are also given the opportunity to present their learnings because teaching others is the best way to learn.

All these small things when put together, help our learners to develop skills that are much needed in the industry, abilities that are relevant in this ever-changing domain. After going through the process, individuals are better prepared for company interviews.

There is much more to our teaching methodology, but I think this is enough to give you an idea of things we do differently. Let’s talk about the second principle.

Customer Obsession

Data Science is used everywhere. People from different backgrounds, domain, and age want to learn data science. To address such a huge variety of people, the “one fit for all” approach won’t work. Traditional classroom training tries to do the same. One class, one-timing, and one tutor for all. It’s no surprise that many people end up having a bad experience.

So, we work really hard to make sure that everyone has a wonderful experience, even after all the differences. Here is a list of things we do to address this issue.

  • Every individual has different needs. So, upon joining every student is assigned a personal mentor, who will be guiding/teaching them along with their entire training program. The mentors pay close attention to all his/her students, understand their struggles, and offer them personalized help. We call it the 1-to-1 mentorship program.
  • A Mentor will be someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you. Someone who will build that confidence to code saying, “Let’s do it together” instead of “You go do it.” A mentor will be there to help you, guide you through this learning process, and make it easy for you. We think “No doubt is too silly, ask them whatever you want”.
    We are blessed with a wonderful team of experienced and supportive mentors who have been shaping careers with their support like an elder brother/sister. With this idea of giving personal support, we have successfully managed to help people who were absolute beginners to start their careers in the field of Data Science.
  • Different people have different speeds of learning and keeping up with other’s pace is always frustrating. At aiadventures, we make sure that individuals can learn at your own pace i.e. all the training programs are self-paced. Finish the training at your convenience, no need to worry about anyone else.
  • Also, timings are flexible. Our office is open from 10 am to 7 pm every day except on Thursdays, mentor will always be present at the given timings in the office, feel free to come down any time you want and start learning.
  • For us, its not over once you complete the training program. We provide strong online and offline support to all our learners, both during and after completion.

In summary, personal attention, supportive mentors, self-paced training programs, and flexible timing make it a wonderful learning experience. Our focus is to make it so easy for people that they enjoy learning with us.

Final words

Today, after many success stories we can proudly say that people who joined us, believed in our methodology, and followed the process with consistent efforts are well placed in the field of Machine Learning and doing wonders with Data. We would be very happy to become a part of your journey to start your career in this field and would like to assure you that together we can achieve desired career goals.

If you like what you read, then you should checkout our courses. Looking forward to hearing it from you…


Team aiadventures